Pumpkin Power!
With the crisp days of fall, our thoughts turn to pumpkins. They’re everywhere! Decorating homes and porches, carved as jack-o-lanterns, and made into delicious pies. And we can’t forget pumpkin spice…everything!

But did you know that humble pumpkins are healthy vegetables that you and your kids will love? It doesn’t have to be made into a sugary dessert to taste great and pack nutrition into a snack or meal.
Like other orange veggies like carrots and sweet potatoes, pumpkins are a great source of vitamin A. All vitamins are best absorbed through food rather than supplements and vitamin A supports eye, heart, and kidney health.
Pumpkins are also rich in potassium, which promotes bone health, and fiber, which supports a healthy digestive system.

There are lots of ways to use pumpkins as part of your regular meal and snack rotation. Some of our favorite ways to use them are in muffins and creamy pumpkin soup. It is also a great ingredient in a stir-fry, a smoothie, a curry, a quick bread, or even added to mashed potatoes.
Pumpkins are quite easy to grow in your home garden. They’re easy to find in the fall and last a long time stored in a cool place. When fresh ones are out of season, use canned in your recipes instead. It still packs a nutritious punch.

It’s time to think of this versatile veggie as a year-round part of a healthy diet for the whole family!
What are your favorite ways to eat pumpkins? If you have a favorite recipe, share it with us!